Monday, April 4, 2011

Getting over the bump in the road...

We are feeling better since our last blog. This is where we are today... Erik IS GAINING WEIGHT!! Before we put him back on formula I measured around his calf. My thumb and middle finger could easily touch (I have tiny hands), now there is about 1/2 - 1 inch between them! Woohoo! We had the x-rays taken, but have not heard anything about what they saw, if anything. So, not sure if not hearing from the doc means good news, but we will see. Another giant improvement... Erik's hands and feet aren't cold or purple. It seems as though, since he started gaining weight, it's changed. We are going to keep the appointment with the cardiologist, just to make sure. We are working with the OT about his feeding. The OT seems confident about getting Erik on the right track.

It's a big difference from Erik's last checkup til now. It's been a lot of work to get all of this figured out and to keep everything straight, but it's also been encouraging to see who God brings from the woodwork. He always shows up. It's so good to see Erik improving and feeling better. Below is our latest venture out with NiNi and Grandpa, enjoy :) (I know we do)

1 comment:

  1. way to go you guys!!! He looks sooooo cute with his sunglasses, hat and bib, yum!

    Love you guys!
    Marlana :)
