Saturday, February 12, 2011

Say it ain't Soy... (well actually it is)

We are officially off of any and all formula. While this is good it is really scary... After just 2 weeks both Sean and I are looking for ways to supplement the vitamins and nutrition he is no longer getting. So we are looking for a liquid vitamin to help. Not to mention we have just entered the deep and complex world of label reading being overwhelmed with nutrition. Trying to be creative with his food while progressing him as he changes and develops.

We are leaning towards getting him on a liquid vitamin and a digestive enzyme, which apparently people lack the good enzyme when they don't get enough dairy. I may be completely musunderstanding how it works, but from what I can gather it helps for people who have digestion issues.

So let the research begin... A woman at Whole Foods today, rendomly started talking to me about Erik. To make a long story short, I believe she could have been an angel. I mean that in every sense of the word. A wealth of knowledge and came at the perfect time. She suggested we see a naturopath who works with moms and their children with allergies. This naturopath she suggested, just happens to be the same one two of my friends/coworkers have seen in the past. A small world or God at work...?

So, we will see what we come up with.

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