Saturday, January 29, 2011

And Another Thing...

A couple of weeks ago, we went to the allerigst for some congestion issues that weren't clearing up. The dr. was great! Erik was great! But...

We have learned Erik has a serious allergy to milk. While this may not be a big deal for some, it's fairly overwhelming for us. It's one more thing we have to consider with Erik and what the geneticist can use to figure out what is going on. Because he has an allergy to milk, the dr. was obligated to give an epi-pen.

With this there are things we didn't even consider. Like traveling. Luckily, I called the doc to find out what we would need to travel with an epi-pen. He said, "oh just take the box they came in. It has the prescription label from the pharmacy" Little did he know, I threw it away the moment we got home. So , off to the pharmacy to reprint the labels and attach them directly to the pen's.

So our thinking about Erik and transitioning him off formula has drastically changed. Thankfully, the dr. has us on a plan. He changed formulas, to a completely non-dairy firmula and starting next friday he should be off of formula completely. Because this week we are changing him over to soy. So far so good. Erik is a trooper and that helps considerably!

Well that's it for the latest... until next time!

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